Thank you for shopping at Joao Prates Photography.
If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we’re here to help. You have two weeks (from receipt of your order) to notify us about your return request. The right to withdraw your order will be exercised without any penalty except for the return shipping cost.
To be eligible for a return, please make sure that:
The product was purchased in the last 14 days
The product is in its original packaging
The product isn’t used or damaged
You have the receipt or proof of purchase
To do so, please contact our customer service who will outline the procedure. Please take care to check that the photographs are in perfect condition and in their original packaging.
By phone: +31 6 8103 2216, from Monday to Friday 9:am-7:pm
By email:
Once we have received your return, you have the following choices:
To choose a new photograph of an equivalent value;
To be reimbursed for your order;
To receive a Joao Prates Photography gift cheque for the equivalent amount.